The Flying Carpet

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Week Off

Things are going better this week. I had a very good conversion to days, I feel like I am starting to get the hang of this living alone thing. One of my greatest fears is that I will not be able to convert if there is nobody around to motivate me to stay up. I have been sleeping pretty well, but not excessively yet. No more going to sleep at 10 AM Wednesday and getting up at 12 noon on Thursday.

In a way the fear of not having anyone around has turned into a freedom. I felt myself getting sleepy this afternoon. When I realized that I was headed for a nap I started to panic. Then I thought to myself "What the hell? There isn't anyone to judge me or be pissed off if I am up all night." If I screw up my sleep schedule that is my issue. I have movies to watch and can mess around on the computer pretty much indefinitely.

I am getting my routine and supplies down for cleaning my house. This may sound basic and in a way sad considering that I have lived here since August. I don't mean to imply that I have not cleaned, I was just dealing with filth on a situation by situation basis. I did clean well before my mom came in November, I swear. The bathroom just does not come that clean. Really Mom. My house is also very different than my apartment, I have never worked with 50 year old hardwood floors before for example.

Setting up a regular cleaning regimen is one of my goals. Another goal for my break days is to make at least one new recipe each week off. Today I made museli bars from my Mayo Clinic Cookbook. I tried to make these last week but added too much salt and messed it all up, so I count it as a new recipe. This week I was very successful.

It is snowing like crazy here today. So I was cleaning, cooking, and listening to new podcasts when my mind drifted over to Mike. I was wondering if he had moved out of his Scottsville house, I seem to recall his lease being up this weekend et cetera. I had a great sense of liberation when I reminded myself that this was not my problem anymore. All I had to worry about was getting these old floors clean.


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