The Flying Carpet

Friday, February 24, 2006

Way Out West

This break I came out to Houston to see my mom and step-dad. I arrived Thursday afternoon. After a quick run with my mom and clean-up we all went out to my favorite restaurant in Houston, the Grotto. The Grotto is a typical high end Italian restaurant exclusively staffed by non-Italians. As far as I can tell from chef to bus-boy the place is all Mexican, but I love the place anyway. We started out with cocktails and appetizer and moved to entrees and red wine. My tolerance is so low again that after a Cosmo and a glass of wine I had to focus to walk to the bathroom. I was thinking about writing a blog entitled "I'm So Drunk" when I got home, but I couldn't think of any additional content beyond that.

Today it was up and to the gym. Working out is one of the cornerstones of my mom and my relationship. We don't have to talk, we don't have to listen to the same music, we just have to get out there and sweat. After the workout and clean-up we went into the medical center for my appointment with the cornea specialist my mom works for as an ophthalmic technician. I had Lasix surgery a few years ago and have finally had to admit that my vision is not what it was post-surgery. He did tests on my tear formation and on the surface of my cornea but the ugly truth revealed itself during the refraction: I need glasses. Again. Mainly to drive at night and for going to concerts or sporting events. I drive at night fine, provided I already sort of know where I am going.

Tomorrow the central feature of this visit will occur: the housewarming party. My mom and Byron have invited over all of their friends and co-workers to show off their new place. I think they are expecting about 20 people. I have already met most of my mom's co-workers, fellows, and residents in my two trips to her office, so I will have something to work with socially.


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Scottish Toodler said...

Trust me, never blog and drink... I know from experience... What is UVA? I thought at first U of Virginia, but that would be UV? I love reading about your life. It's like a fairy tale to me. My mom is severely manic depressive. She hears the devil and Jesus playing ping pong in her head. I think our common ground is "Mom, are you hearing the voices again?" I hope all is well with your sight and that you enjoy your trip. Your writing is great! Do you write these in one draft?


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